Raytheon Signs Contract with MIC & Associates
Raytheon is an industry leader in defense and government electronics, space, information technology, technical services, and business aviation and special mission aircraft.
Raytheon radar and surveillance systems are the world’s most flexible, modern, and cost-effective solution for both military and civil ATC requirements. Raytheon is the world leader in solid-state Air Traffic Control Radar Systems.
Raytheon is delivering the very latest technology and full-featured air traffic management systems. From the design, production and installation of a single radar or automation system, to the nation-wide integration of a total air traffic management system, Raytheon handles all aspects of system integration including provision data and voice communication, satellite navigation systems, surveillance systems (primary, secondary, radar, ADS), landing systems and ATM for total CNS/ATM solutions.
MIC & Associates is Raytheon’s representative in Romania and is responsible for the implementation of the air traffic management contracts with civilian and defense Romanian authorities. Raytheon’s Air Traffic Management System is a technically advanced yet affordable solution to today’s air traffic control needs, providing low-cost, solid-state surface detection radar with a full set of safety logic and conflict alert software.
For more information please contact our US and Romanian offices:
SUITE 2230
NEW YORK, NY 10006
TEL: 212-668-0300
FAX: 212-668-1791
MIC & Associates Romania
Calea Floreasca No. 91-111, Bl. F1, Suite 346
Tel: 021-318-1037
Fax: 021-318-1038