Professor Emil Constantinescu, former President of Romania (1996- 2000), has visited the United States early this month on a speaking tour in New York and Washington, D.C. at the invitation of MIC & Associates. Mr. Constantinescu, was accompanied by Gen. (ret) Constantin Degeratu, the former Chief of the Romanian Army (1996- 2000) and National Security Advisor to President Traian Basescu (2007-2011). President Constantinescu has had a series of panel presentations on Romania’s role as a NATO partner and EU member. During his meetings, he reiterated the strategic mission of his country in the Black Sea region following the conflict in Ukraine and the annexation of Crimea by the Russian forces. The theme of his presentations was “Romania’s Last Frontier: the Ally, the Partner and the Foe”
The first academic institutions visited was the New York University – School of Law, followed by Georgetown University – School of Foreign Service, where Mr. Constantinescu presented Romania’s role and position over the last 18 years. He also attended a meeting with the members of the Romanian-American Chambers of Commerce (RACC) in New York. President Constantinescu also participated at a private dinner in his honor in Washington DC, at the home of Salah and Chang Oh Turkmani.