The Enchanting Wines of Transylvania – a marketing and PR event dedicated to Jidvei Winery from Romania
The RABC has hosted on December 15, 2015, together with MIC & Associates – “The Enchanting Wines of Transylvania” a marketing and PR event dedicated to Jidvei Winery from Romania. The event took place at the Trump Hotel – Koy Restaurant in Tribeca.
The scope of the event was to educate the American wine trade and press about the basics of this industry in Romania as well as where Jidvei is, the winemaking history, geography, climate, current winemaking conditions zcdn much more.
The event was attended by H.E. Ion Jinga, the Romanian Ambassador to the United Nations and Mrs. Dana Jingfa, Hon. Ioana Costache, Consula General of Romania to New York, Mr. Chivel Porumb – Minster Counselor for Economic Affairs and by Mr. Razvan Dumitrescu , Economic Consul of Romania in New York.
A host of US wine critics and wholesalers and retailers attended the event together with many restaurants and bar owners.
The political interest in the region helps generate press attention but must be directed to create tangible value when communicating about the wines
The producers from Jidvei at the same time must learn how to take advantage of the press and trade buzz to turn curiosity/interest into business
- A steady stream of trade publicity helps drive sell-in on premise and off-premise as well as keep Jidvei wines top of mind with importer and distributor salespeople
- By creating a steady stream of consumer publicity, Jidvei wines become the first call for wine drinkers looking for a new wine to try from an emerging region, resulting in sell-through
- By coordinating closely with importers, the agency activities provide direct sales support of Jidvei wines
- By communicating clearly and consistently with Wines of Jidvei, the agency continues to develop the brand story
Engage the importer and distributor audiences so they take notice of Jidvei wines and producers — and buy more Jidvei wines
Generate publicity that will create awareness among press, trade and consumers for Jidvei wines:
Transylvania as an established wine region
- Transylvanian producers and winemakers (when applicable)
- Build upon the momentum with trade and press from the 2015 tastings and subsequent public relations
- In order to build business in the US, Jidvei wine producers must present their wines directly
- To the US importer/distributor trade to sell their wines into US distribution
- To US on/off-premise trade to motivate importers / distributors to carry and sell the wines
- To press to generate awareness and buzz among trade and consumers that leads to sell-in and sell-through
(Consumers with exclusive wine tastings to create brand awareness and use word of mouth)
Expand upon existing importer relationships
Continue to tell the story of Jidvei wines to US press (trade and consumer)
Directly support sales through positive publicity: Sell-in to the trade and sell-through with consumers.
Stefan & Crsitina Minovici, Valentin pipa, Mrs. Jinga, Liviu Goldenberg, Mrs. Goldenberg and UN ambassador Ion Jinga