MIC & Associates in partnership with the Romanian American Chamber of Commerce has organized on July 9 a visit to the North Shore LIJ Heath System in honor of the Romanian Health Minister Nicolae Banicioiu. During the visit, minister Banicioiu has reviewed HealthPlex Emergency Hospital in Greenwich Village and Lenox Hill Hospital on Park Avenue, both NSLIJ properties located in Manhattan, New York City.
HealthPlex is the newest addition to the NSLIJ System, a state-of the-art facility considered one of the most advanced emergency trauma centers in the United States. The hospital remains a work-in-progress with four stories still under construction and expected to be completed and fully operational by early 2016. Minister Banicioiu was greeted by Dr. Alex Hellinger, Executive Director at Lenox Health and by Mrs. Andrea Dowd, VP, Development, L.H.H.
The following stop was at Lenox Hill Hospital, one of the most renowned medical facility in the United Sates. Minister Banicioiu visited the Emergency Room, the Heart and Vascular Institute and the Post Operatory and Recovery Department. The Romanian delegation was welcomed by Dr. Varinder P. Singh, Chairman of the Cardiology Department, Dr. Yves M. Duroseau, Chairman, and Department of Emergency Medicine, by Joshua Strugatz, Executive Director and by Andrea Dowd, Vice President of NSLIJ Development.
The Romanian delegation included Mrs. Ioana Costache, Consul General of Romania to the United States, Ms. Roxana Rotocol, Senior Counselor to Minister Banicioiu, Stefan Minovici, RACC President – International Chapter and Dr. Hortenzia Beciu, Director John Hopkins Medicine International.
Minister Nicolae Banicioiu also visited the RACC Headquarters in Lower Manhattan where he was greeted by its Chairman, Mark Mayer and by Elias Wexler, New York Chapter president. Mr. Baicioiu and the RACC leadership talked about cu current status of healthcare in Romania and business opportunities with US healthcare providers and the construction of the US University Hospital in Romania.
On Monday, July 13, Minister Benicioiu is scheduled to visit Mount Sinai Hospital of Manhattan, courtesy of the US Embassy in Bucharest.